
I'm blogging on Vox right now. It will probably stay my personal blog. Keeping this one for something. Just not sure what.

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Location: Orem, Utah, United States

Silly, odd, weird, bibliophile with delusions of grandeur. One of the lunatics at large.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

What is funny?

If someone doesn't share the same sense of humor as you, do they simply have no sense? I think most people want to dismiss others has having no sense of humor when it doesn't jive with theirs. I got to thinking about this because of a letter Stan Miller wrote to the Deseret News today. Stan called two of my favorite comics Lio and F Minus "pretty amateur." Immediately I wanted to write a letter to the editor saying, "You sir have the humor of a snail!" While I didn't write that I did in fact write a letter simply to put my two cents in. I can easily disregard Stan as a rube that wouldn't know humor if it came up to him and said "Hi, I'm Humor."

It's easy because I don't know him. But what about someone you know and like? Generally the people you hang out with share a similar humor. At least the people I hang with do. If they don't get my jokes, they aren't long on the list of people I like to talk to. So when you have the anomalistic event when they "don't find that funny" how do you take that? If I found the material truly funny yet my friend didn't find it so, it's almost a betrayal. "You faked your way into being my friend you LIAR!" They laughed before when I laughed, why not now? Then it becomes a mental exercise to figure out why they might not find it funny. But I simply end up with I just don't get them. Or could it be that I don't know what's funny? Nahhh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I post this under my blogs and give credit to you?

11:18 PM  

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