
I'm blogging on Vox right now. It will probably stay my personal blog. Keeping this one for something. Just not sure what.

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Location: Orem, Utah, United States

Silly, odd, weird, bibliophile with delusions of grandeur. One of the lunatics at large.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Branding of Children.

Mom was watching Heston and Porter (two of my nephews) today and she told me this story about Heston. He had been taking a nap, got up and ate some crackers. After eat the crackers:

Heston:(points at the can of soda on the coffee table) Is this Fresca? It looks like Fresca. (picks up the can, drinks from it, holds it up smiling) It IS Fresca!

She said she wished she had a camera at that moment. She could have made a million bucks. I assume selling it to Fresca.

I thought it sounded cute and very Hestonesque but then it got me about the ubiquity of brands in our world. Heston, who's three, can't read yet but he can recognize the brand Fresca, and probably many more if you tested him. Whatever happened to Sesame Street brought to you by the letter B? Wait Sesame Street is a brand now too. Sigh. With the state of education in the US we should make everything educational brand-like:

Crisp! Clean! Clear! Calculate with Calculus and you'll never be sorry!

PI! The dessert for the mind.

Know where you are, know where you are going, Geography!

From Ancient Asian to Zippy Zanzibar History has it all!

Philip Seymour Hoffman loves Philosophy. Shouldn't you?

Not really sure Hoffman likes philosophy but we could pay him to say he did. Branding educational stuff might make it cool. Or maybe not. It would be fun to try with a few million dollars to spend on the ads.


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