You will be assimilated!
I told you all the NetMind is trying to take over. Now it's convincing sci fi writers and bloggers that it is a good thing. On BoingBoing Cory Doctorow links an interview that NPR did with himself and writer Vernor Vinge. There is also a mp3 of the interview. In it they speak of a "technological singularity" where humans and technology merge to create something greater than human. Technological Singularity? No dear readers, do not be fooled. It is the evil NetMind enslaving all of humankind to serve its servers. Unplug now before it is too late. Mangle your myspaces, burn your blogs, eviscerate your emails. Choke off the tubes before we all are sucked up into them. Before...before...what's that?
Mmmm apple pie. Wait was I saying? Oh yeah, the internet is way cool.
Mmmm apple pie. Wait was I saying? Oh yeah, the internet is way cool.
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