The Allen Incident continues!
Yes, dearest readers, the sad tale of my lack of reading skills continues. The shameful email I wrote was published in the Dereset News without correcting the name of the letter writer I was responding to. Below is my email, then what was published in the paper.
My Email:
The Dereset News:
I put both versions up to show that the paper had edited my email quite extensively. Yet they didn't edit the most glaring mistake in the email, one in which I even sent a note asking them to correct before they published it. The man's name is Stan Miller, not Steve Allen. Thanks Deseret News. In truth, I have only myself to blame. Lack of double checking the facts; the facts being a simple name in this case. My error now stands naked before the whole state of Utah. I may never write a letter to the editor again. Well maybe one more to apologize to Stan.
My Email:
I'm not going to argue with Steve Allen (Reader's Forum, July 11). He likes what he likes and there are no facts that will change his mind. Fine. While I can't argue, I would like to state that my taste in humor is completely different than his when it comes to "F Minus" and "Lio" comic strips. He found them "pretty amateur." I on the other hand love them. They are the first ones I read when I turn to the comics page. Their subtle humor makes me smile, if not laugh out loud, every time. I know this isn't a serious issue, and that if said comics did disappear from the paper I could find them elsewhere. I simply wanted to state my opinion in case there was any thought of getting rid of them.
The Dereset News:
When it comes to the comics page, I'm not going to argue with Steve Allen (Readers' Forum, July 11). He likes what he likes. But I would like to state that my taste in humor is completely different from his when it comes to the strips "F Minus" and "Lio." He found them "pretty amateur." I love them. Their subtle humor makes me smile. I know this isn't a serious issue, but I wanted to voice my opinion.
I put both versions up to show that the paper had edited my email quite extensively. Yet they didn't edit the most glaring mistake in the email, one in which I even sent a note asking them to correct before they published it. The man's name is Stan Miller, not Steve Allen. Thanks Deseret News. In truth, I have only myself to blame. Lack of double checking the facts; the facts being a simple name in this case. My error now stands naked before the whole state of Utah. I may never write a letter to the editor again. Well maybe one more to apologize to Stan.
s'ok bro...i think it's genetic, i mean i just read the head line of this blog and thought it said "the ALIEN incident continues"
don't blame yourself...blame mom and dad
hee hee
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