
I'm blogging on Vox right now. It will probably stay my personal blog. Keeping this one for something. Just not sure what.

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Location: Orem, Utah, United States

Silly, odd, weird, bibliophile with delusions of grandeur. One of the lunatics at large.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Tony is SO lucky.

Yesterday while scuba diving the young Tony lost his wallet. There was much weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. How was he to get home with no governmental id? Phone calls were placed and ideas floated, mostly centering around getting a copy of his birth certificate faxed to him. Great then was their joy after coming back to their friend's home from a day of revelry to find his wallet on the counter. Billy's (the friend they are staying with) mother found it midst of swimming in the ocean earlier in the day. Can you imagine? The whole ocean and she finds his wallet. I want his luck!


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