
I'm blogging on Vox right now. It will probably stay my personal blog. Keeping this one for something. Just not sure what.

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Location: Orem, Utah, United States

Silly, odd, weird, bibliophile with delusions of grandeur. One of the lunatics at large.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A metaphysical question: what the heck am I doing?

The last few posts have left me obsessing over the direction of this blog. "When are you not obsessing about something?" I hear you say. Well, yes it's true. I'm hoping the Prozac helps with that; I say that only half jokingly. As I was saying-nipping the tangent in the bud-I've been thinking about the last few posts. I want this blog to be an expression of me. Not necessarily a day to day journal, though I want part of that here. But since I feel that my life is pretty boring most of the time, I'd rather give glimpses into what's going on in my head. Now don't go running in fear. I said glimpses, not full mind monties. Even I can't handle those most of the time. What I mean is pretty much what I have been doing. Random thoughts, poems, "hey look at this" or "I found this cool" kind of things. Basically an eclectic mix of bric-a-brak that is interesting to me.

Which brings me to the last few posts. They where of the "I found this cool" variety but they seem to be to sterile, unconnected to me and my life. Just reviews of products. That's something I definitely don't want this blog to be, reviews of crap. Of course I want to point out interesting, enlightening, or humorous things, but place them in the larger context of my life; how it relates to me in way that doesn't also come off as narcissistic nonsense. Tall order.

Let me take the post I made this morning on Sara Gran's novel as an example. I gave the viewing public a basic run down. Here is a book, I liked it, you should read it. I didn't mention that I had heard about it from this editor's blog. Or the fact I decided to read it, at least in part, because of reading Sara's blog. Now perhaps I didn't need to add that, since I had already linked her blog in a post because I dug what she said about writing. But given the transitory nature of this thing called the blogosphere a reminder to old readers and a heads up to new ones would have been nice. Something more than a simple "review." More than what I gave.

So here's hoping for more effort, more relevance, plain more. Ok, not plain more. I know people don't like plain more. Sparkly more? Yeah sparkly more. This has been a fairly long post, I hope it was interesting enough. If you read this far thank you for hanging in there. If not, I am sending my apology for boring you telepathically.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

T read the whole thing! Ryan

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I mean, I read the whole thing. I've got fat fingers.

6:44 PM  
Blogger Jason said...

You read the whole thing but didn't tell me what you thought. Dang you brother!

7:47 PM  

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